[X4U] aDSL: dynamic vs. static IP

Ed Gould edgould1948 at comcast.net
Sat Nov 3 12:23:37 PDT 2007

On Nov 3, 2007, at 1:01 PM, Linda wrote:

> On 11/3/07 12:34 PM, Jim Robertson wrote:
>> AND I'd lose my beloved TiVo.
> DISH offers their own version of DVR. :-)
> I've got ATT/Yahoo for my DSL, have had for a little more than a  
> year, and
> it's only been out twice (cable was out a couple times a month for  
> varying
> lengths of time). When it was out, tech support on the phone was  
> great,
> walked me through what to do (one of the two times it was something  
> I needed
> to reset here in my house to get back online -- in addition to  
> restarting
> the modem and router, you *also* need to unplug the DSL cord from  
> the wall
> for 10-30 seconds, which I never had to do with my years of cable  
> internet
> service).
> My fear of "bundled services" is that if service goes out, do all  
> of your
> services go out at once? With cable, it was too often for my taste,  
> and
> users tell me that you *do* lose cable phone service when cable  
> goes out.
> With AT&T/Yahoo, even when my DSL was out, my phone wasn't (oddly).  
> DISH is
> separate from your internet/phone, so service interruption isn't an
> all-or-nothing prospect.


I had at&t for a couple of years and even when Yahoo became partners.  
I ended up switching to a cable modem (comcast). The reason I did so  
was that their (AT&T-YAHOO) tech support (besides telling me every  
time I had an email issue was to delete and re-install my email  
package. I rebelled and told them where to get off.  The last year I  
had them the support went to INDIA and talk about POOR support. They  
advised that a bouncing problem was in my house and that they would  
have to send a repair man out and it would cost me $100. The next day  
the local person called up and when I explained the issue he said  
they were nuts and it was a server issue (duh...). I won't tell you  
the other horror stories about Indian TS. I got fed up with them and  
went with COMCAST. While their support is average the number of times  
a day I loose the connection to the INTERNET is a real PITA. I am  
staying with comcast at least they are local and give average  
support. I am not happy with it but its the only option I have left.


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