[X4U] Finder Transparency in Leopard and other stuff

Robert Ameeti Robert at Ameeti.net
Mon Nov 19 18:11:21 PST 2007

At 5:49 PM -0500, 11/19/07, Richard Gilmore wrote:

>can the Apple logo be changed back to blue ...?

I always get a chuckle at the level of personalization that is 
desired on user's computers. I must add that these modifications only 
come through hacks that tend to cause the problems users have when 
they upgrade the OS. Do think twice about modifications that really 
don't bring any real benefit as every hack adds just that much more 
to the instability of the system.

Robert Ameeti

Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd.
-- Voltaire

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