[X4U] USB 1.2 and 2.0

Jeff Carruthers jeff at carruthers.com
Sat Nov 24 18:06:30 PST 2007

Carol: the USB 2.0 device will work, but at the much slower USB 1  
speed. As long as you are just using the external storage device for  
backups, it should be OK -- as long as you are willing to wait the  
extra time for file transfers.

On Nov 24, 2007, at 8:50 PM, Carol Weber Mckee wrote:

> I have USB 1.2   If I buy a USB 2.0 portable storage device, will  
> it work?
> I have a 700 MHz eMac running OSX 10.3.9.
> Thanks.
> Carol

Carruthers Communications           Tel: 520-625-1913
292 N. Camino del Vate, Green Valley, AZ 85614
www.carruthers.com                  e-mail: jeff at carruthers.com

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