[X4U] Cannot select MacSOUP as my email client after running Apple Mail.

Jamie Kahn Genet lists at wizardling.geek.nz
Sat Nov 24 23:38:10 PST 2007

Linda <XPressoBean at mac.com> wrote:

> On 11/25/07 1:20 AM, Jamie Kahn Genet wrote:
> > It just goes
> > back to Mail no matter what method I use to try and set MacSOUP as my
> > preferred email client
> The default email client preference is within Mail. Launch Mail and go to
> Preferences, and choose a different email client as your default.

Yes I know. That doesn't work. It flips back to Mail.

 Jamie Kahn Genet
If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.

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