[X4U] HD upgrade for a 24" imac (late 2006)

Daly Jessup jessup at san.rr.com
Wed Sep 26 06:23:16 PDT 2007

At 3:06 PM +0200 9/26/07, alexandre wrote:
>i'd like to upgrade the 250 gb hard drive in my imac, to a 750gb one.
>are bigger drives hotter? should i be worried 
>about heat? i've googled a bit and haven't found 
>anything stating that it's a problem. and i seem 
>to remember that a 750gb drive was a BTO on this 
>machine. but again, i'm not sure.
>any suggestions on the type and/or brand of 
>drive i should be getting? cache, rpm, etc. (i'm 
>not into videoŠ)

I have a 24" Intel iMac with a 750 GB drive in 
it. The iMac runs all the time (never sleeps, 
except the display), and is almost the same 
temperature as the desk it sits on, barely warm.

I can't figure out what brand of drive is in the 
iMac.  I do know that I have been happy with 
Seagate drives, just regular 7200 RPM 750 GB SATA 
drives I have bought for an external enclosure. 
Here's an example:



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