[X4U] iTune Podcast error -3150

Lawrence Haber lahaber at mac.com
Sat Apr 5 09:06:41 PDT 2008


I subscribe to a number of podcasts via iTunes and a few weeks ago a  
number of podcasts from the Leo Laporte empire started generating  
error message -3150 whenever I attempted to download them.  iTunes  
would "see" that there was a new episode but the download went no  
where.  Curious.  Also failed via direct download through Safari.   
Interestingly enough, other podcasts continued to download without any  

I happened to try to download when I had my MBP in an airport lounge,  
via wifi, and the missing episodes downloaded without a hitch.

At home, downloading was still failing.  I then connected my MBP to my  
cable modem rather then via wifi through my Airport Extreme and low  
and behold, the episodes downloaded.

So, the problem isn't with my ISP nor with my MBP but there seems to  
be something with the Airport Extreme.  I don't think I have touched  
the settings and I cannot see anything that would disrupt the  
downloading of a podcast and otherwise I am unaware of any issues on  
anything else.

Any idea what is causing this curious behavior?



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