[X4U] Sleep issues with v10.5.6

Linda xpressobean at mac.com
Mon Dec 29 07:07:32 PST 2008

On 12/29/08 8:00 AM, Ed Gould wrote:

> ps: I did install some sort of screen saver but did not like it and
> deleted it. 


I would still look at your Screen Saver/Energy Saver Preference Panel.
Chances are it's set to something different than it used to be because of
the screensaver you installed. For example, if there's a "Hot Corner" set up
on the ScreenSaver panel now, you might be inadvertently triggering that
while using your Mac. Also check your Energy Saver settings to make sure
that they didn't get changed by the screensaver when you installed it.
Depending on what "some sort" of screensaver is, it might have touched
deeper into your system than you think.

If there's no resolution there, you might try opening Console and
positioning the window where you can see it, and try to keep an eye on it to
see if there are strange processes going on just before the screens go dark.
If nothing else, you can see what "just happened" when you bring the screens
back up after such an espisode!

(This is assuming you've ruled out a USB problem by testing your Mac without
its third-party USB peripherals such as disks and printer and scanner, and
using your genuine Apple keyboard and mouse.)


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