[X4U] Weird Finder/Keyboard Bug (Leopard)

Jim Robertson jamesrob at sonic.net
Sat Feb 2 06:39:54 PST 2008

Yesterday I was rearranging things on my new Mac Pro and discovered that I
couldn't create new Folders with the keyboard <command-shift-n>, nor could I
replace the <Untitled Folder> name of such new folders after creating them
by using the menu and highlighting the name with the mouse. In other words,
the mouse worked, keyboard didn't.

In other applications, the keyboard worked fine, so I didn't think it was
USB related, but I was running a Windows XP machine under VMWare Fusion at
the time, so I suspended it and quit from the Fusion app. Keyboard still
wouldn't work in Finder. I unplugged the keyboard, plugged it back in; no

So, I force-quit the Finder, and immediately the keyboard worked again.

OS X 10.5.1.


Jim Robertson

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