[X4U] Macs which support "target disk mode"

Jon Warms jwarms at mac.com
Wed Jan 23 09:35:12 PST 2008

Valuable a resource as this board is, sometimes a Yahoo or Google
search will provide an answer using a lot less bandwidth and time.

For example, go here:


I searched on "target disk mode mdd".

There are two tips that I glean. First - although I don't remember
if your G4 will boot - target disk mode works two ways. If you can,
you can work from the G4 and make another Mac the target disk.
The second tip seems directly applicable. You can only make the
master drive on the rear ATA a target dd. The symptom you
get are consistent with no drive in that position.

Hope this helps,

On Jan 23, 2008,  Jim Robertson <jamesrob at sonic.net> wrote

> On 1/22/08 5:48 PM, "Jeff Carruthers" <jeff at carruthers.com> wrote:
>> Check the help menu to be sure you are invoking Target Disk Mode   
>> correctly.
>> (You would leave the G5 on, shut down the G4, connect the  two  
>> computers
>> with a firewire cable, then start up the G4 while  holding down the  
>> T key;
>> this will then allow the G5 to see the G4 as  an attached drive.)
> Doing all that...
>> Don't think you can put the G4 hd into the G5 -- I believe the G5   
>> uses
>> serial ATA drives, whereas the G4 towers uses ATA drives.
> And that is correct.
> Jim Robertson

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