My versions of Word 2008/04 won't show bullets on the Mac at all even though it shows a bullet and says "bullet" it comes up as a square box even if it's made on a Mac to start with and hasn't gone anywhere near a PC. I don't think it's a font issue especially with the people that I deal with on the PC (Win) end of things who have different fonts on their home computers/laptops where their docs originated from yet their bullets on Win/PC never fail to work properly on our machines (which they need to print from). And the Mac bullets don't work at all. You can customize the bullets on Mac Word 2008 with Option-8 but they don't line up directly across from the list they are supposed to be "bulleting" the way "real" bullets do. This has proven to be an unacceptable workaround to our clients who use bullets mainly for resumes and are incredibly fussy and picky on how they want their resumes to look. From a marketing standpoint this makes our Macs look poorly to our clients many of who have little exposure to Apple. On 11/3/08 10:59 AM, "Linda" <XPressoBean at> wrote: > On 3/11/08 9:43 AM, Richard Gilmore wrote: > >> except for bullets in the auto bullet feature of Word. Bullets done on >> a PC don't render as bullets on a Mac they render as boxes or checkmarks and >> going into the bullets and numbering and selecting bullets doesn't work. > > When I get Windows Word documents (don't forget, Macs are PCs too), the > bullets often become sigma signs. I believe its because of keyboard mapping > differences between the two platforms. > > If you use a Windows TrueType font on the Windows doc, and install that > Windows TrueType on your Mac, do the bullets show up as you expect? > > (I don't know, and I don't have a Windows PC to try.)