[X4U] New Hardware rumors?

nk netkat at comcast.net
Wed Mar 19 12:45:37 PDT 2008

I wonder if this article or one like is the one you're referring to:


the description of this chip made my inner geek break out in a  
sweat...sounds great...not sure what's better, the 8 cores, or the  
super-low power consumption...

wish there were more  hint as to WHEN this marvel will be released to  
the Mac world..

On Mar 17, 2008, at 11:16 AM, Peter Saint James wrote:
> 	An article I read recently predicted a new generation of chips  
> sometime this year and also a new superdrive that will play Blu  
> ray.  From the tone of the article, I would give it about a 50  
> percent chance of being correct.  Unfortunately, I can't come up  
> with a location for the article.

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