[X4U] Very weird disk corruption - pleas for help!

Russell McGaha russellmcgaha at mac.com
Sun Mar 30 09:17:29 PDT 2008

	My PERSONAL experience with USB 1 drives was BAD.  I tend to stick  
with FW 400/80, as, depending on Mac Model and drive size, they can  
be buss powered and you can carry them in your shirt pocket.
	I've no direct experience with eSata drives, though my understanding  
is as yours, that external power is needed.
	I've friends and customers that have used USB 1/2 boot-able drives  
good success, I've only had trouble with full and pocket sized USB  
drives [this does NOT include Flash Drives - LOVE them].


On Mar 30, 2008, at 10:31 AM, Jim Robertson wrote:

> On 3/28/08 5:27 AM, "Russell McGaha" <RussellMcGaha at mac.com> wrote:
>> Look at the OWC portable FW drive; they are great and USUALLY quite
>> competitive in price [both the do it your self, what I do, and the
>> pre-built]
> What about eSATA? My preliminary understanding is that this interface
> requires a/c power, whereas FW and USB interfaces allow the power  
> to be
> supplied by the laptop. Is that correct?
> Any preferences for FW vs. USB 2? Can a USB 2 interface drive boot  
> a MacBook
> Pro?
> Jim Robertson
> -- 

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