[X4U] Advice sought on a Mac book for an elderly beginner-level user.

John Erdman jperdman at gmail.com
Fri May 2 07:14:30 PDT 2008

I'm teaching SketchUp at the local Senior College, and I seem to have  
a class room full of similar folks. Makes it difficult to even teach  
the basics of the software.  Even harder is that several of these  
earnest folks have short term memory problems.  Nothing, but nothing  
sticks! Not sure that there are any easy answers out there except to  
keep smiling and possess lots of patience.

At least the lures of what these apps can do keeps their attention and  
raises their desire to learn the more mundane aspects of using a  


On May 2, 2008, at 9:16 AM, Crandon David wrote:

> Sounds like me and my mother...
> David
> On May 1, 2008, at 9:37 PM, Jamie Kahn Genet wrote:
>> I like them, but showing the same stuff over and over and not getting
>> compensated for doing so is wearying. Perhaps you'd like to  
>> volunteer?
>> ;-)

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