[X4U] New Trojan threatens Macs with installer...

Shawn King shawn at yourmaclifeshow.com
Fri Nov 21 14:35:25 PST 2008

On 11/20/08 1:29 AM, "Randy B. Singer" <randy at macattorney.com> wrote:

> On Nov 19, 2008, at 12:24 PM, Paul Moortgat wrote:
>> And it's told by the same company who told such a story before:
>> Intego.
> I don't think that Intego has ever been dishonest, or told any
> "stories."

I would disagree.

> I think that they discovered a Trojan, sounded the alarm, and then
> looked bad when it turned out to have virtually no distribution. Then
> the Macintosh press over-reacted and excoriated them.

Why can Intego "overreact" but the "Mac Press" can't? Why cut Intego slack
when you won't cut the same slack to the Mac press?

Intego is, in no small measure, in the business of credibility. When they
screw up, it hurts them more than most companies. So when they play on that
credibility and make a *huge* "Chicken Little-esque" mistake, they
rightfully deserve to be called on the carpet for it.

> Personally I want my AV software company to jump when they see a new
> potential threat, push out an AV definition for it, and ask questions
> later.  If they are wrong about the level of threat, I can live with
> that much better than I can live with being unprotected in the early
> stages of a new outbreak.

Do you really think that, as informed as you seem to be that you might get
caught out by some new outbreak? Do you really believe that you would be hit
by malware *before* your virus company, the Mac Press or even the mainstream
press runs wild over the story?

If so, you must be doing some *very* risky things on the internet.

Shawn King
Host/Executive Producer
Your Mac Life

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