[X4U] New Trojan threatens Macs with installer...

Shawn King shawn at yourmaclifeshow.com
Sun Nov 23 09:11:13 PST 2008

On 11/23/08 5:05 PM, "Kirk McElhearn" <kirkmc at mac.com> wrote:

>> See my comments re: their Chicken Little/Cry Wolf attitude.
> Well, I didn't save all these messages...

Ah - then you shouldn't pick and choose which messages in threads you
respond to. :)

> It seems to me that they
> don't make the news, they just report it.

That can be argued. The example we've been using here is of a "threat" that
Intego sent out a Press Release regarding and called various members of the
press to "ensure they had seen the news and would you like to speak to
someone at Intego regarding this new threat". The threat turned out to be no
such thing.

In this regard, Intego was certainly *trying* to make news out of nothing
and it's not the first time nor the last that they have tried to get the
press' "attention" to issues *they* think are important. Again, that *is*
trying to make the news.

> I think you mentioned the MP3 thing as something they did wrong

I didn't mention that specifically.

> Anyway, you probably blame your newspaper for all the bad news they
> publish. :-)

No, I don't.

Shawn King
Host/Executive Producer
Your Mac Life

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