[X4U] Pixma Mystery Paper Jam

Simon Forster simon-lists at ldml.com
Fri Sep 5 01:04:34 PDT 2008

On 4 Sep 2008, at 22:07, Randy B. Singer wrote:

> On Sep 4, 2008, at 12:39 PM, Neil wrote:
>> Thanks for the link.  I did a Google search and found LOTS of  
>> people have mysterious paper jam problem with the Pixma.  One  
>> person mentioned a trap door in the back.  Sure enough, there was  
>> paper hiding back there.  So, problem solved.  I will be able to  
>> take my vacation after all.  :-D
> For future reference, assuming your Canon is still under warranty,  
> the last time that I had a problem with my Pixma, I called tech  
> support, and they overnighted me a new one, complete with new ink  
> cartridges, and I put the old one in the box it came in and shipped  
> it back.  Canon paid for shipping both ways.

Yeah, the price they charge for ink, they don't want you to stop using  
it up for too long.


FWIW, Epson had a similar service.



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