[X4U] IP address on local network

Jeff Carruthers jeff at carruthers.com
Fri May 8 06:11:04 PDT 2009

On May 6, 2009, at 6:53 PM, John Drake wrote:

> Dave,
> Here is the info on my set up:
> RCA External Cable Modem
> Linsys Broadband Router with 2 Phone Ports RT31P2 Firmware 1.30.01
> D-Link Gigabit Switch DGS2208
> D-Link DNS-321 w/2-750 GB disk as a Mirrored Raid
> Apple Extreme
> The Router feeds the Switch, the Extreme and VoIP.
> The Switch feeds the iTunes server, 5 computers (2 computers have  
> airport 'n' cards and use the wired connect as a backup)
> The Extreme connects 2 Computers and 1 Apple TV
> Right now I keep loosing connection to the iTunes server when the IP  
> changes, which makes it hard for the family to share photos/tv shows/ 
> music.
> Appreciate any help you can provide,
> John

John: when you say the "IP changes", are you referring to the local IP  
on your LAN or the IP on the router.

One way to get around IP changes on your local LAN is to assign fixed  
(and different) IPs to computers on the LAN rather than having them  
fed dynamically through DCHP. Also, be sure you don't have two devices  
serving up DHCP on your LAN.

See if that works.

Carruthers Communications                  Tel: 613-278-0390
678 2nd Concession N Sherbrooke     Cell: 613-720-2350
R.R. 1, McDonalds Corners, ON  K0G 1M0   Fax: 613-278-2929
www.carruthers.com                          e-mail: jeff at carruthers.com

"There's no such thing as a dumb question." (Anon)

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