[X4U] IP address on local network

David Ledger dledger at ivdcs.demon.co.uk
Fri May 8 10:27:38 PDT 2009

At 15:53 -0700 6/5/09, John Drake wrote:
>Here is the info on my set up:
>RCA External Cable Modem
>Linsys Broadband Router with 2 Phone Ports RT31P2 Firmware 1.30.01
>D-Link Gigabit Switch DGS2208
>D-Link DNS-321 w/2-750 GB disk as a Mirrored Raid
>Apple Extreme
>The Router feeds the Switch, the Extreme and VoIP.
>The Switch feeds the iTunes server, 5 computers (2 computers have 
>airport 'n' cards and use the wired connect as a backup)
>The Extreme connects 2 Computers and 1 Apple TV
>Right now I keep loosing connection to the iTunes server when the IP 
>changes, which makes it hard for the family to share photos/tv 

There's nothing in your network that should make IP addrs change 
other that at reboot/re-connect time.

Do you have those two computers connected by wire and wireless at the 
same time? If so, each interface will have its own IP address. If the 
routing rules those computers use cause them to sometimes use wired 
and sometimes use wireless, they will sometimes use one IP, sometimes 
the other. This could cause the problem on those two machines. Do you 
see the problem on the others?

It is possible to give the two routes different weighting, so one is 
used in preference to the other, but I don't know how to set this up 
using the normal Mac GUI.


David Ledger - Freelance Unix Sysadmin in the UK.
HP-UX specialist of hpUG technical user group (www.hpug.org.uk)
david.ledger at ivdcs.co.uk

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