[X4U] Transferring keychains

Neil Laubenthal neil at laubenthal.net
Wed Sep 16 13:44:10 PDT 2009

Migration Assistant should move all of that . . .assuming you migrated  
her user account.

If that isn't working correctly . . .you can try this.

1. Remove her user account from the new computer; including the option  
to delete the home directory.

2. Copy her entire home directory from the old /Users folder to the  
new machine /Users folder.

3. Create her account on the new machine . . .make sure you use the  
exact same user name (short and long) as on the old computer. You'll  
get a dialog about the home directory already existing and do you want  
to use it or create a new one. Select "use existing" (or the option  
that means that) and it will set the permissions correctly on the  
existing copy of her homedirectory to the new account.

I have had to do this occasionally when migrating people between  
machines . . . sometimes Migration Assistant doesn't quite work as it  


Quoting Crandon David <tabdave at ca.rr.com>:

> So...I finally upgraded my mom from a 9 yr old iMac to a new iMac.
> Question is...how do I transfer her old keychain to the new mac? Or
> mostly, all the usernames and passwords in Safari's Autofill.
> The Migration assistant didnt' do it.
> Thanks,
> David

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