[X4U] MacBook Pro Won't Srart

Gail Grainger ggrainger at deweybrowse.org
Thu Apr 29 06:05:17 PDT 2010

I had a problem on a few MacBooks, in a school setting, where this
happened. It was a wire that had broken going from the computer to the
monitor. I think the replacement cost at that time was around $120.
> Already tried resetting the PMU and PRAM. The computer will chime, but
> never starts (at least the screen never lights). Tried a different
> battery, different power box, no change.
> Was able to get it into Target mode to move files, but screen didn't
> show the FireWire symbol. So, Hard drive works OK.
> Could just be the display?  Any ideas?
> Ken

Gail Shea Grainger
Librarian, Chesterfield School, Chesterfield, NH
Dewey Browse --K-12 Web site cataloged by Dewey Decimal Classification
http://www.deweybrowse.org ggrainger at deweybrowse.org
Past President NHEMA

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