[X4U] MacBook Pro Won't Srart

Ronald Steinke ronsteinke at mac.com
Thu Apr 29 18:22:39 PDT 2010

On Apr 29, 2010, at 6:05 AM, Gail Grainger wrote:

>> Was able to get it into Target mode to move files, but screen didn't
>> show the FireWire symbol. So, Hard drive works OK.
>> Could just be the display?  Any ideas?
>> Ken

IMHO, it is more likely that either your backlight has failed or your  
video card is not putting a signal to the screen.

My first suggestion would be to hook up an external monitor and see if  
the video shows there. If it does, your problem is one of the above.  
If it doesn't show on the external monitor, you have a more serious  
problem to work on.

For that, I suggest looking at the TechRestore web site for more  
assistance. They do a terrific job of diagnosing and repairing Mac  
laptops, iPods, and iPhones (personal knowledge - not affiliated with  
them at all except as an observer).

Good luck,

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