[X4U] Macbook sound volume

Jens Selvig lstnmt at bresnan.net
Tue Feb 2 07:33:47 PST 2010

There should be a volume control in the application you are using to  
watch the video.

On Feb 2, 2010, at 7:57 AM, Roy v.d. Westhuizen wrote:

> I have a Macbook running 10.6.2 and have a problem trying to listen  
> to DVD videos which come with Digital Camera magazine. The person  
> taking one through the exercises is virtually inaudible. The volume  
> in the menu bar is at maximum, so too as set in system prefs and on  
> the video being listened to. Before I contact the magazine, I  
> thought I would find out if there are any other places where a  
> setting could be overriding the settings that I am working with.

Jens Selvig
...Lost in Montana...

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