[X4U] Backup Software

John Baltutis baltwo at san.rr.com
Tue Jun 29 17:05:02 PDT 2010

On 6/28/10,  Jim Warthman <jim.warthman at affinity-systems-inc.com> wrote:
> I'm a long-time Retrospect user. The past couple years I've left Retrospect
>behind and I've been using mostly Time Machine - at least for my boot drive.
> I have a couple LARGE external drives with photos etc, and I don't want to
>back all that stuff up to my Time Machine disk. But I really like Time
>Machine's ability to go back in time, in case a file gets corrupted and I
>don't notice it for a while. Retrospect had that ability, too.
> My question is, what other 3rd party backup applications (e.g. ChronSync,
>SuperDuper) support incremental backups, with the ability to maintain multiple
>versions of files that have changed - like Time Machine?

CCC can do that if you archive stuff. I don't, but the details are at

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