[X4U] Replacement for Eudora

Doug McNutt douglist at macnauchtan.com
Mon Aug 1 18:12:38 PDT 2011

At 14:55 -0700 8/1/11, Jerry Krinock wrote:
>Supposedly, Eudora lives onŠ
>I had to download and test this for one of the users of my app.  Although I use Mail.app myself, this new Eudora does launch and seems to work.

It is really Thunderbird, under Mozilla/Firefox, with a front end devised by Qualcomm employees and probably some volunteers.  Sometimes called OSE.  An attempt is made to create a user interface similar to Eudora's But it's only an attempt.

A big advantage over Eudora-Mac is that it runs on Ubuntu.


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