[X4U] Time Machine and multiple users

Jeff Carruthers jeff at carruthers.com
Thu Aug 18 03:10:01 PDT 2011

On Aug 17, 2011, at 5:13 PM, Mark Des Cotes wrote:

> Hi All,
> I have three users set up on my iMac. My main one and two managed accounts for each of my kids. I just set up Time Machine through my User account to back up the computer, will it back up each of my kid's accounts as well or do I need to set it up for each account?
> Mark Des Cotes
> Owner-Graphic Designer
> Marksman Design
> Mailing address: 
> 7-841 Sydney Street, Suite # 338
> Cornwall, Ontario  K6H 7L2
> Canada
> 613-936-6876
Mark: you raise an interesting question about Time Machine. I had always assumed that Time Machine backed about the whole disk, but it might in fact be tied to the user account.

Perhaps someone else on the list can confirm what in fact happens.

The solution is to also have a clone backup of the entire disk. And I believe that is why a Time Machine backup along with a clone is regarded as a better backup strategy.

Carruthers Communications                  Tel: 613-278-0390
678 2nd Concession N Sherbrooke     Cell: 613-720-2350
R.R. 1, McDonalds Corners, ON  K0G 1M0   Fax: 613-278-2929
www.carruthers.com                          e-mail: jeff at carruthers.com

"There's no such thing as a dumb question." (Anon)

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