I have been hanging on to GoLive for a long time as I've been using it to create HTML forms which I then use on my web site. It has an easy to learn way to add radio buttons, check boxes, text fields, submit buttons etc and does it with a few flowing WYSIWYG design ability. Now that Lion is here, I am forced to move on. I use RapidWeaver for most of my site creation needs but it does not offer an form creation tool that gives me the flexibility that GoLive does. What are my alternatives? -- <><><><><><><><><><><><> Robert Ameeti - ePro® MailTo:robert at ameeti.net (949) 422-6866 FAX (267) 222-6866 PC & Mac computer specialist Analogies in writing are like feathers on a snake. <><><><><><><><><><><><>