[X4U] problem with printing

Allan Rube arube570 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 28 11:57:43 PDT 2011

Problem seems to be fixed. I shut the printer off a few times and it 
always comes back to the ip I assigned. The solution offered Neil, 
Chris, and Scott (through a forum quote) were not working for me because 
my router is through Fairpoint and the login page looks different than 
what Verizon users see. Below is what I finally did.

Thanks for all the help.

Disconnect the printer
Log into the router\click the Advanced icon\Click on the IP Address Distribution
Click the Connection List\click the New Static Connection
Enter the printers network Host Name (You may need to consult the owners manual)
Enter an IP Address that WON'T conflict with DHCP assigned IP Addresses. This would be an IP Address over 30
Enter the Printers MAC Address\Click Apply
Reconnect the printer and the IP Address assigned should be the IP Address you have reservered in the IP Address reservations.

Allan Rube'
Nashua, NH

On 7/28/11 2:13 PM, scott-xlists at scotist.com wrote:
> On Jul 28, 2011, at 11:01 AM, Allan Rube wrote:
>> Thanks again Neil. I have the ip address a mac config number from the printer's status page. I go to the Actiontec page. However, I do not know how to get to the DHCP configuration page. I have 6 choices - main, wireless settings, my network, firewall settings, parental control, advanced, and system monitoring. Under each are submenus that do not seem helpful. Do you know where the DHCP configuration page might be?
>> My router is a mi424-wr rev d. It is similar to what verizon uses but they have higher revision letters and I wonder if what I see when I log in to my router is different than what verizon customers see.
> Quick google brings up this page, http://www.dslreports.com/forum/r19632879-verizon-MI424Wr-Allocate-IP-Address-by-MAC-  ,  which has a couple bits of discussion and a link to the manual including the relevant location in the manual, followed by instructions, since the manual wasn't exacty accurate for the poster in that forum.

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