[X4U] iPhone vs Android for Mac users, and iPhone 5 soon?

Craig Finseth fin at helium.iphouse.net
Fri Jul 29 12:51:38 PDT 2011

   I should have stated my primary reason of asking a smartphone
   question on a MacOS X forum is how well does Android sync data with
   Macs. Allan, since you use a Mac and an Android phone, do you
   exchange data with your phone - iCal, Address Book, etc, and how
   well does that work for you? Do you use an intermediary, like a
   Google account to do so?

I am Mac-based and have an Android phone (originally Samsung Moment,
now Nexus S).  I like Android.

The mail clients access my mailboxes quite well (gmail and other POP 3).

You can export your contacts from Address Book as a vcard and import
to your Google contacts.  I do this regularly (actually, I maintain my
contacts in a third place and update both regularly, but that's just

I use iPods/iPad for playing music and videos, so that's a wash.  I
tend to do my game playing on my iPad.  On the other hand, if you have
music and videos and are wedded to the idea of one device, an i-device
is probably better.

I do use my Android phone for business: email, calendar, Google Voice, etc.

I have also played with writing software for both devices.  At my
current level, I prefer the Android environment, especially for
distribution (one shot $25 vs. $99/year).  If I were doing it
professionally, this would not be an issue.  But I like Eclipse better
than the XCode tools.  Personal preference.

I REALLY like the idea of being able to get apps from many places and
not just the one, must-never-offend-someone place.  OTOH, if I was buying
a player device for a relative, I'd probably prefer the i-device FOR

I think that it really boils down to whose cloud you want to use.  If
you are tied into MobileMe/iCloud, you'll want an i-device.  If you're
using Google services, an Android phone works well.

Hope this helps.


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