[X4U] Video size

Brett Conlon brettnlis at bigpond.com
Fri Mar 7 21:00:06 PST 2014

Just remember that it’s not only about size. The conversion to WMV may be dramatically dropping the quality. If you’re OK with what you’re seeing with the conversion to WMV first (then to MOV) then you have a workaround. BTW, you could probably achieve the same thing going straight to MOV if you know why the codec and bitrate is.


On 1 Mar 2014, at 1:48 am, Paul Moortgat <paul.moortgat at pandora.be> wrote:

> I could reduce the size in half by making it a WMV file and then a Mov file again.
> Paul Moortgat
> On 28 Feb 2014, at 11:22, Conlon Brett wrote:
> I'm a little rusty but it comes down to the compression used & bitrate (how much information is used to represent each frame). Similar with say a TIFF vs JPEG image. They might be same number of pixels wide by deep but the jpg will be much smaller & probably poorer quality.
> Cojcolds
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 28 Feb 2014, at 21:01, Paul Moortgat <paul.moortgat at pandora.be> wrote:
>> I made (with my camera) a HD1080 movie of 11 minutes which was 1.5 GB large.
>> I downloaded a HD1080 movie of 45 minutes from Youtube which was around 750 MB large.
>> They both are in 1080.  Why is there such a difference in size?  They're both .mov files at the end.
>> Four times longer and half in size makes no sense to me.  Mov is mov isn't it?
>> Paul Moortgat
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