[BTM] Adding Bluetooth to a G5 Desktop

bipinchandra bipuda at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Sep 29 08:53:55 PDT 2005

i second the bluetooth adapter.i use it to exchange info and keep it with me as i have a wiry keyboard etc. cheap ones work well, from maplins. £18.00

marky <bigtoot at mac.com> wrote:

On Sep 23, 2005, at 16:08, Roger Houghton wrote:

I just bought a G5 desktop from Apple. As it was a refurb I didn't have the option of adding Bluetooth. Could anyone recommend the best way of doing so now? Apparently it can be added by an Authorised Apple Servicer but I don't have one close by and don't know the cost. Will a USB dongle work just as well? Any recommendations for one offering Bluetooth 2?

Don't know about BT2 but if you're adding a BT USB dongle make sure you get a compatible one.  Most of them will work fine even without drivers (they're in OSX already) BUT you may have limited functionality.  

For example AFAIK you can only pair a BT headset with your Mac if you have a D-Link BT Adaptor, it's the only one Apple support for headset-pairing.  I discovered this after getting a Belkin BT Adaptor - works great except for headsets, they're no go.

Note that your Mac may offer to update the firmware on a D-Link Adaptor and this will improve its performance on Mac but renders it unusable on Windoze, if you care?

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