[P1] iBook Slow on 10.2.2 (Continued)

Richard McKay richard.mckay1 at virgin.net
Fri Dec 13 17:00:59 PST 2002

Am 14/12/02 0:32 schrieb "Larry Blodgett" unter <lblodgett at macosx.com>:

> This is true of course.  When I talk of slow I am talking about 1/5
> as fast as 9.  I have 266 G3 Beige machine that run many times
> faster.  The CPU usage is pegged all the time.

As stupid as it sounds it can only be Hardware or Software:

and given that it works in 9 and not in X...

Software: try another copy of X (borrow or beg a copy from friend to compare
in case of corrupt CD/freak issue)

hardware: because its only in X, likely to be Processor or RAM due to
difference in concepts...multitasking and memory protection...Processor: if
hardware test CD passes? increase your chances and try other lists as
well...OS X hardware list/others? Memory: can you borrow a known good RAM
module from someone to test against your current one? If not how does the
memory usage and amount look like in 9? Does this reflect the total RAM you
installed? 9 is much quicker and happier with less and this might not be
immediately obvious without checking the numbers...



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