[P1] Freeing drive space on iBook

Linda lvt at mac.com
Fri Dec 13 18:21:05 PST 2002

> Am 11/12/02 18:32 schrieb "patrick fisher" unter
> <patrick.m.fisher at wamu.net>:
>> I just bought an iBook with 30 gigs and I only have 8 gigs free...two weeks
>> later.
>> And I still haven't ripped all my CDs...
> I know the feeling...I have an external firewire drive for some of the stuff
> but it seems to detract from the portability issue when I go on the road...
> I was always wondering if you can use an iPod two ways, first normal to
> listen to when not connected to iBook and then later with same music in
> target mode or other form of slave mode to store but not synch my music...I
> want to create space on the books drive... not have a copy.
> Anybody else tried this yet?

Richard - this is just what I do.  My music is on my new 20 g iPod (got the
day the Somerset MI store opened).  I can listen to the same music at work,
at home, on the road.  Just drove from MI to FLA and back again, listening
to iPod all the way (plugged in recharging some of the time obviously). It
isn't even 1/3 full and I can listen to 6 days (full 24 hrs) w/o repeat.

Anyhow - the important thing is to set iTunes up properly.  With the iPod
connected press the iPod button at the bottom right.  Highlight the radio
button that says "Manually manage songs and playlists."  That way iPod will
not try to sync with the 'puter when you plug it in.  You can plug it into
any mac w/ iTunes and your iPod will be seen and the music playable.

I also use my iPod as a firewire hd.  Have 9.2.2 on it and disk warrior.
Old pod can start up the iBook, iMac and G4 at home if necessary.

Just read about this cool app called iSpeak (on version tracker).  You can
import text, it gets converted to an mp3 and you can listen to your
documents on the way home.  I use Victoria voice and it is amazing how
accurate the reading is!  Who needs books on tape!!! Just download an ebook
- I know Darwin's Origin of Species is available for example.  I have never
read the whole thing - maybe I will just listen to it!

SE Michigan

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