[P1] iBook to Cell phone to email

Signhelpers mike at signhelpers.com
Sat Dec 14 08:12:00 PST 2002

(Sorry about the incorrect Subject Line. I replied to the wrong one. ;<(

No Bluetooth as far as I know. No USB connection on phone. What was 
your procedure with the "ancient" Motorola?

>On Friday, December 13, 2002, at 04:14  PM, Signhelpers wrote:
>>Thanks, but what we need is the ability to send Filemaker Pro files 
>>back to the office from the field. The file size is not great, but 
>>this rather intriguing solution you suggest wouldn't help us.
>I can only speak for Sprint and I have done that and more using an 
>ancient Motorolo Timeport a few years ago. Today I use a USB 
>connector cord with a Samsung i300.
>Would any of those phones have Bluetooth and would they allow file transfers?

Signhelpers - One stop for all your sign needs.
Mike Urseth
P.O. Box 237
Ridgeland WI  54763

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