[P1] files that love the trash

Kim Gammelg å rd kim.gammelgaard at get2net.dk
Fri Dec 20 09:28:48 PST 2002

On 19/12/02 18:14, "patrick fisher" <patrick.m.fisher at wamu.net> wrote:

> I had a few files of files that would not delete from the trash. Two of them
> were
> locked and the permissions were set to my daughter. As admin, I tried to
> change the
> permissions in the getinfo window, but it wouldn't let me and said an 'error
> one'
> occurred. I used disk utility to go in and fix the permissions, however that
> didn't
> work.

What version of OSX are you using.? I just did the same and had no problems
changing owner using OSX 10.2.2.

Regarding permission fixing, I would not expect the owner of a personal file
to be changed, as it was probably not a system file.



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