[P1] crazy battery

Tubadude jmcclernan2 at comcast.net
Tue Dec 24 22:01:16 PST 2002

On 12/24/2002 8:59 PM, "Thomas Riisbjerg" <thomas.riisbjerg at nospam.dk>

> On Sunday, December 22, 2002, at 03:36 PM, matthew h wrote:
>> My battery is acting all crazy like these days.  I have an iBook (500
>> Mhz, 384 RAM) running 10.2.1.  Before Jaguar I used to be able to
>> bring my laptop to work to use at my lunchbreak.  When I opened it up
>> (airport off, screen dimmed) the battery level would be at 92%--now
>> it's at 70%.  With my power settings at 'Longest Battery Life' I can
>> only squeeze out like twenty minutes when I used to get an hour.
>> Also, the Low Battery warning is popping up earlier and earlier--used
>> to be at 14%, a few weeks ago at 30%,  and last night it was at 70%
>> that I got the warning.

My iBook (new in May) was one of 60 that were purchased for staff. So far, 3
have exhibited the same symptoms. Mine got to the point that it would only
last for 5 minutes before dropping to zero. I use two different chargers
with the same result. Waiting for the replacements to arrive.

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