[P1] Music Store

Charles Pearce charlesp at ksu.edu
Tue Apr 29 06:22:53 PDT 2003

On Tuesday, April 29, 2003, at 07:27  AM, Peter Nacken wrote:

> One wrinkle I found that need to be ironed out somehow: The music 
> store has
> no trouble charging you 99 cents for short 20 second intro tracks ... 
> But I
> found some longer songs (one was a Pink Floyd one at 23 minutes) which 
> is
> only available bundled with the whole CD purchase ...

My understanding is that the $.99 is for the whole track; the sample is 
free. Since I already had an Apple account, all I had to do is to give 
credit card information and within seconds the Ella Fitzgerald album I 
wanted was pouring into my playlist. Almost too easy. I can imagine 
that this could become addictive and might be cut-off by my wife when 
the credit card bill comes in! The selection isn't all-inclusive, but 
fairly wide from what I've seen so far. It returned no hits on "Nick 
Drake," for instance, but returned some Bill Evans I didn't have yet. 
iLife is good.

Charles Pearce <charlesp at ksu.edu>

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