[P1] OT: Anonymous FTP?

charlesp charlesp at ksu.edu
Wed Aug 6 08:31:48 PDT 2003

>===== Original Message From Signhelpers <mike at signhelpers.com> 
>This would be a universal site. The idea is to have a place where we
>can put .pdfs that readers can download to read. Also, we want way to
>transfer large photo files without running into email attachment size
>We use Interarchy and it works very well, but I'd like readers to be
>able to access the pdfs via IE or whatever browser they use.

Why not have the web site serve the files? You can set your web server 
mime types to feed PDFs and the browser will then be able to interpret 
and download that type of file. Same with your images. You could 
compress the images to ZIP, for instance, and then link a low-res 
preview on a web page to the zipped file. That would be downloaded via 
the link and decompressed on the user end. IMO that would be quicker 
than FTP and use less bandwidth. Someone else may have a more 
elegant solution.

Charles Pearce
charlesp at ksu.edu

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