[P1] capture from tv

Anders Bogdan anders at theworks.org
Thu Feb 6 14:21:00 PST 2003

probably a bunch of us on this list - its not too off topic. I hook it 
up to my iBook so... what the heck, its more on topic than religion and 
politics and top/bottom posting.

I really like mine and I capture to local disk or to my external 10 gig 
firewire without problem and at the high resolution mode. I get some 
banding in the display and recording, but can't tell if its compression 
or a poor signal.


On Thursday, February 6, 2003, at 01:28  PM, Don Hinkle wrote:

> I'd like to correspond with anyone who owns and uses ElGato's TIVO-like
> box that captures to an iBook hard drive. My iBook has a 20G HD, but I
> also have a firewire 10G external that I could capture to.
> thanks,

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