[P1] One last time (was self-quotes)

Eric B. Richardson lbyron at comcast.net
Mon Jan 6 06:15:26 PST 2003

At 7:49 PM -0500 1/5/03, Jack Rodgers wrote:
>  $500 Billion Dollars for the real estate and banking scandals

Doing a little more history, the real estate/banking 'scandals' were 
largely because of tax loopholes that were set up when Dems were in 
charge in Congress, and taken away when the Dems were in control of 
Congress, 10 or 20 years later. The loopholes made bad business 
profitable, and when the loopholes went away so did the investors, 
creating a collapse. And that of course had to have something done 
about it, so some went to jail.

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