Questions about Airport

Karsten WEB.DE karsten.kuehn at
Thu Jan 9 11:57:01 PST 2003


I am almost sure that this topic has been dealed with dozens of times around
here. But I am new to MacOS X and to the iBook and I need some advice about

So, the first question is (this may make all further ones obsolete):

Is there a brief description of Apple's Airport Technology available?
I would be glad to hear about websites and PDFs as well as books.

I once used David Pogue's article titled "How to connect two Macs" to deal
with this matter back in the days of Apple Talk.
This article was available for free somewhere in the web and it was taken
from one of his formidable books

Now I don't use AppleTalk anymore but would like to connect an eMac with an
Is there such a detailed explanation available for these new devices like
that one of David Pogue?

I am still figuring out wether I should opt for an ethernet connection or
for a wireless network using two airport cards.

For the ethernet connection I would need a hub and a special cable.
For Airport I would need two cards.

So, both options aren't cheap and I would be very unlucky if I had opted for
the wrong one.


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