PowerBook 190 query

Mary Jo gecina at earthlink.net
Tue Jan 14 11:45:36 PST 2003

I just found an old PowerBook stored away.  It's a 190.  I ran into trouble
with it years ago but don't remember much.  Presently the situation is this: 
When plugged in, the PowerBook turns on and a smiling face appears, but
instead of  booting up, it shows a message:

This startup disk will not work on this Macintosh model.
Use the latest Installer to update this disk for this model.
(System 7.1 does not work on this model; you need a newer version that does.)

It won't move beyond that.
I have no idea what it's trying to boot from.  I'd like to take a look at the
contents before deciding what to do with this PBook.  I have some old software
floppies and may have what it wants.  Any advice you can give would be most
welcome.  Go slowly, step by step, as I'm a little dense about these things,
but tenacious, and will use every bit of instruction I can get!
All the best.  

Time flies like an arrow, but fruit flies like a banana -- Groucho Marx

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