[P1] Fix_prebinding is crashing on start

Richard McKay richard.mckay1 at virgin.net
Sun Jan 26 09:03:21 PST 2003

Meg St. Clair wrote the following:

> One little slash... All seems to be working as you indicated it should.

I know...crazy what difference a single character can make in Unix...Glad to
hear that it ran fine.

> You've been *very* helpful. Your explanations are clear and concise as is
> probably possible. It has been a little off putting to be an experienced Mac
> user (even done some consulting) and then, poof, feeling as if I know
> nothing. 

Glad to have helped and the beauty of such lists, no? I personally like
things to be detailed to the nth degree...If it becomes patronizing or too
much I can just skip to where it becomes interesting again...but it also
allows for no mistakes if one covers everything. My posts probably reflect
this mentality so if I get too simple I apologize to everyone now...by no
means do I mean to speak down (or more aptly put at my own level) Lord knows
I reap more (sorely needed) information from the community than the average
person...I think we all need to learn a few new things now that the OS is
Unix based but once we do...
> Well, back to my reading for the weekend, Unix for Macintosh.

Happy reading! BTW, have you checked out the Mac OS X Unix list?

<X-Unix at lists.themacintoshguy.com>

It is mostly over my feeble head but there is a lot to learn there as well
as the following sites:


O'Reilly has a lot of articles and books as well...


Besides, how can I resist a women that not only allows a computer in the
bedroom but has her own iBook and uses it there herself!

(happily sitting in bed with my iBook)


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