[P1] Ttly OT: Fiji exercises internet censorship !!!

Jack Rodgers jackrodgers at earthlink.net
Wed Jul 2 18:20:44 PDT 2003

On Wednesday, July 2, 2003, at 07:13  PM, Pat D. Stephens wrote:

> I beg to differ...I've never used a PC, only Apple products and their 
> technical persons told me on more than one occasions to do a 'soft 
> reboot' from my first 575 up to my TiBook 400 running 9.1.  I can't 
> speak from the Help menu, this was on the phone using my AppleCare and 
> that is the phrase they used.

I once heard an English teacher say "ain't" and people say they 
graduated from a school...

I have never read reboot in any Apple literature...

The 2003 campaign begins...

JackRodgers at earthlink.net

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