Strange formatting in message

Charles Martin chasm at
Tue Jul 8 11:42:01 PDT 2003

> From: e.mkeene <e.mkeene at>
> Bingo! I inadvertently used contol+option to get long dashes versus
> short dashes. It's amazing that it would affect the entire message as
> opposed to the single paragraph it is used in.

Yep, that was probably it. I've had to be VERY careful to keep these 
out of my "sigs."


The iTunes Music Store has sold five MILLION songs in two months, more 
than all other legal download services have sold in TWO YEARS. If they 
can maintain that average over the course of a year, Apple will sell 
more music than any other retail music source. And that's BEFORE you 
add in countries outside the US, and Windows users. Woah.

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