[P1] new ibooks... any better re warping & screen marks??

Fran Dollinger fran at dollingers.com
Tue Jul 8 19:45:35 PDT 2003

Oooops! I have no idea what happened...it was wrong, is all I know!


Fran Dollinger wrote:

> Brian Olesky wrote:
>> On 7/8/03 2:38 PM, "Jack Rodgers" <jackrodgers at earthlink.net> wrote:
>>> I did a web search on the Dollinger family, not to be confused with
>>> Dillinger, and found that they have a long history of product failures
>>> and are often sought out by reputable companies to work in their
>>> research and development branches to ferret out bugs. From all of us
>>> who enjoy properly functioning products due to your efforts, we send a
>>> hearty thank you.
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