[P1] Peer To Peer Law To Be

Dan Farley danfarley at mac.com
Fri Jul 18 12:49:22 PDT 2003

Sorta curious how this will play out in the windows world when someone
hijacks your computer w/o operator knowledge to serve music or porn?

Who owns the computer in your living room? Parents, kids or next door
neighbors kids??

While I'm happy to report ALL my music is owned by me - I can see how this
will get pretty sticky.


> It'll never happen. If it DOES, it will make Prohibition days look like
> a scout camp.
> Ron
> On Friday, July 18, 2003, at 10:27  AM, Jack Rodgers wrote:
>>   Their legislation, introduced Wednesday, would punish an Internet
>> user who shares even a single file without permission from a copyright
>> holder with prison terms of up to five years and fines of up to
>> $250,000.
> "We cannot direct the winds, but we can adjust the sails."

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