Newbie tnx! (+ partition-question)

Charles Martin chasm at
Fri Jun 6 13:10:35 PDT 2003

> From: <Parkblue at>
> PS: Not having used X _at all_: what are this lists feelings about 
> starting
> out with two OS-partitions, one for 9 and one for X (plus one for 
> data)?

I think the broad consensus is that most users should just leave it the 
way Apple ships it (OS X and 9 on the same partition). If you have a 
good reason for wanting to partition it, you certainly can, but on 
average it's not necessary.

I've bought a 120GB hard drive and I plan to partition it into two 60GB 
partitions, one for a constant mirror backup of my "original" 60GB 
drive and the rest for EyeTV, music/video projects etc.

But I'm leaving my original 60GB as it came from Apple (OS 9 and OS X 
on the same partition).


Claiming that the Macintosh is inferior to Windows because most people 
use Windows is like saying that all other restaurants are inferior to 

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