[P1] How to apply for lawsuit settlement? & Panther on 366

Brian Pearce bpearce at cloud9.net
Sat Nov 1 09:29:08 PST 2003

> According to Apple's website, Panther can run on the original iBook 
> and iMac.
> http://www.apple.com/macosx/upgrade/requirements.html

It's sort of confusing, but it *looks* as if the earliest supported 
iBooks are the iBook SE, really the second iteration of the product 
(though I forget what the difference between that and the original 
model was).

This strikes me as rather odd, as a few of these models were included 
in the Class Action; but there's probably a reason for what looks on 
the surface like an oversight.

BRIAN/bpearce at cloud9.net

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