[P1] Battery life issues

Paul Bernhardt pbern10 at xmission.com
Fri Oct 31 09:25:47 PST 2003

Did you do the first update to 10.2.8 or the second version of that 
update? I understand the first version caused battery life problems 
while the second version did not.

It may be that Panther does nothing specifically to what caused the 
problem in the 10.2.8 updates...

Did you do a complete install of Panther or an upgrade?


On Friday, October 31, 2003, at 06:55  AM, Charles Pearce wrote:

> I was regularly getting 2 or 3 hours of battery life until I updated 
> to 10.2.8 and then it went down to about 15 minutes. It hasn't come 
> back with the upgrade to Panther either. Needless to say, an iBook 
> that has to be plugged in all the time is pretty much useless as a 
> portable device.

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