[P1] Connecting external display on iBook without restart

Scott Warren sw at shelton.org
Wed Apr 21 06:29:30 PDT 2004

On Apr 21, 2004, at 6:25 AM, Alexandre Leroux wrote:

> Le 04-04-21, à 6:56 am, Gorjan Todorovski a écrit :
>> I connect external display HP 17" LCD. The display is not detected 
>> (even if I press "Detect Display" button in the display preferences). 
>> The display only gets detected after restarting the system. Is it 
>> possible to do this without system restart?
> Have you tried to plug it in while under sleep, and then wake your 
> iBook ? This works with mine.
> Alex :-)

I have heard of sleep walking and talking in your sleep, is this now 
sleep computing???

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